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PD Jasa Yasa Renovated Metro Kepanjen Public Bathing for Business Unit Development

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – PD Jasa Yasa in Malang did a renovation to Metro Public Bathing in Kepanjen. Although this public bathing is the asset of Malang government, PD Jasa Yasa used non-budget funds.

 This is a creative effort done by PD Jasa Yasa in developing some business unit in form or tourism destinations in Malang.

“We use cross-subsidies to renovate Metro Public Bathing. Some of the excess income from the other tourism business units is used to renovate Metro Public Bathing,” said the Main Director of PD Jasa Yasa, Ahmad Faiz Wildan to TIMES Indonesia on Saturday (19/01/2019).

According to him, the renovation of this public bathing is urgent due to the high demand of this place.

 “This renovation is done in order to accommodate the number of visitors that can reach up to 300 persons per day in this place. That’s why we need to add more facilities,” he said.

Gus Wildan, his nickname, said that the new facilities are café, free-Wifi areas, rest area, parking lot expansion, and cottage construction.

Besides, there is one more swimming pool for children. Therefore, there will be three swimming pools that can be used by the visitors.

“Later, this place will have a café for hangout and a cottage, not only as a public bathing or public swimming pool,” said Gus Wildan.

This man, who is also the Secretary of DPD KNPI Malang, said that the renovation of Metro Public Bathing is in synergy with the program of Malang Government to optimize and develop the tourism business.

“Kepanjen should have a good tourism object. That’s why we renovate Metro Public Bathing,” said the Main Director of PD Jasa Yasa Malang. (*)

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